Here we are about to leave Colchester behind. Gloria is a bit camera shy, but in the interest of truth she agreed to this picture since in fact, she launched the trip as driver. She said something about me being a bit too frantic and too in love with maps, GPS devices, and packing to make a good driver at the beginning of the trip. On the subject of packing, notice the clear roof and no clutter showing in the windows. While we did add several bags, mostly the packing was pretty light.
What is it about going on a trip that wind's me up so?
The trip through up state NY was beautiful. Sunny, hot (90+). By the time we reached the exit for Fonda, we were tired of the interstate(90) and dropped off the highway. Routes 5 and 80 through rural farming country and then 20 took us to a little town called Cazanovia which has a Victorian mansion and museum we wanted to visit. It was closed today (Tuesday) but the bathrooms were unlocked!! The older readers will get it. Still a nice drive. Spent an early evening drinking wine and eating salad and pasta with Mark, the manager of the Hampton Inn in East Syracuse. An hour in the gym wore off some of the wine and food and a little of the stiffness from the road.
Here I am in front of a little restaurant along rt 20 in Richfield Springs. Great food, friendly people, and currently nothing to do with horses. The friendly explanation is that the horse fancier has grown up and is now a mother of three and married to an antique car fancier.
Until tomorrow!