Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 2 -New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio

Here is a shout of thanks to those who have visited the blot and attempted to post a comment.  I have tried a different comment format and it seems to be working this morning (see my test comment below this posting).  If you have a few seconds and the inclination, send in a comment so we can verify that this is fixed.  Thanks!

We finished up our stay in Syracuse and took secondary roads (20 and 5) through cow and corn country to the Buffalo suburb of Cheektowaga.  Upstate NY is really quite beautiful. People seem to actually drive the speed limits up here! We lucked out on weather, we skirted just north of the weather system that produced tornados in Springfield Mass, an area we drove through yesterday. Family members will recognize cousin Susan in the picture below with Gloria.  It was a great if brief reunion due to conflicting schedules, but likely to be repeated at greater leisure on our return  

Below I am in front of Lake Erie, just over the Pennsylvania line.  After Buffalo we began to see more grapes (see the background) than corn. We opted to take the highway (90) to Ohio and save the scenic route and a couple of vinyards for the way home.  We got to see YSU (Youngstown) due to entering a wrong address in the GPS.  The last time I acidentally wandered in to a University, I collected three degrees, and spent thirty-three years on the faculty.  Needless to say I burned out of the YSU parking lot and found our hotel.  

To keep fit we have been working out in the hotel gym for an hour as soon as we arrive each day.  Driving seems to turn muscles into jelly, or at least exercising at the end of the day makes me more aware what rotten shape I am in.  Pictures of that aren’t likely to make it into the blog without a little touching up.
Chicago (Merrillville) is our destination for tomorrow.
See you on the road.  


David said...

This is me testing different comment settings. We are still in Youngstown, but preparing to head toward Chicago. See ya.

Andrew said...

Hi dad! Cousin Susan looks great. Glad you are having a good time.

Carolyn J. Rose said...

Hope you don't get off on the wrong road in Chicago like we did in 2003 - but that's a story for when we see you.