Today our search for artisan cheese took us to Plainfield/Meriden New Hampshire. Gloria, my son Andrew, and I started the journey in south eastern Connecticut. We headed west until we reached interstate route 91. For those of you who don’t know this part of the world, I91 runs right through New England from Long Island sound all the way to Canada. We picked up I91 in Hartford, Connecticut, about mid state. We drove north across Massachusetts, and followed 91 about half way up the east border of Vermont to exit 8 were we turned east into New Hampshire and nineteen miles north east, found Taylor Brother’s Farm on the Plainfield/Meriden border.
Two things impress me about taking a road trip in New England this time of year. The first is the vegetation. The rolling hills are lush, green, and flowering. It’s hot today (low 91’s) and hasn’t rained recently, but plants really grow thanks to over 50 inches of rain, 100 inches of snow, and over 200 days of sun the region gets annually. The corn is high, farmers are cutting their second crop of hay in many areas, and the transportation workers are fighting to keep the grass and brush off the highways. The traffic cops with their radar guns were numerous along the interstate.
The second impression is while the region feels rural, services and attractions abound. On this short trip, our GPS guide was lit up with icons for restaurants and gas stations with attached food stores strung together like strings of prayer beads. During the 177 mile trip we passed the New England Air Museum in Connecticut, the Basketball Hall of Fame, Volleyball Hall of Fame, Yankee Candle, and the flower covered bridge in Shelburne Falls, all in Massachusetts. Further north, the Vermont tourist information center off the highway provided brochures describing hundreds of visit worthy sights hidden behind the beautiful tree covered hills and valleys that surround the highway. I know from experience that New Hampshire, just east of I91 has an equal number of attractions, particularly in the north central White Mountains.
Via email, Cindy Taylor from Taylor Brothers Farm
offered a tour but we were unable to connect with her. However, Mat, a family member was manning the farm store when we arrived, helped us with our purchases, and invited us to look around the farm. It was hot and dry but we enjoyed the visit. Relaxed, healthy looking cows with glossy coats and clear, inquisitive eyes wandered around in large shady structures stocked with ample water and clean hay. It was our good fortune that Rob Taylor came in from his hay bailing and took the time to show us around. Rob credited the quality of the cheeses made on the premises in part to getting the milk from the cows into the processing facility so quickly that it was being turned into cheese before it had dropped from the 102 (F) degree body temperature of the cows! We purchased several pounds of cheeses, locally bottled maple syrup and maple roasted peanuts as gifts.
offered a tour but we were unable to connect with her. However, Mat, a family member was manning the farm store when we arrived, helped us with our purchases, and invited us to look around the farm. It was hot and dry but we enjoyed the visit. Relaxed, healthy looking cows with glossy coats and clear, inquisitive eyes wandered around in large shady structures stocked with ample water and clean hay. It was our good fortune that Rob Taylor came in from his hay bailing and took the time to show us around. Rob credited the quality of the cheeses made on the premises in part to getting the milk from the cows into the processing facility so quickly that it was being turned into cheese before it had dropped from the 102 (F) degree body temperature of the cows! We purchased several pounds of cheeses, locally bottled maple syrup and maple roasted peanuts as gifts.
From Meriden we took a short trip north to Lebanon, a charming town with a lot to offer. Our sightseeing was limited to a short walk around the center and lunch and cold beer at the Salt Hill Pub which is definitely worth a return visit. 

From Lebanon we angled back southeast on I89, skirted the south side of Concord, merged with 293 south through Manchester. Before connecting with Gloria’s sister, Pam, and her husband Richard in Bedford we stopped at a NH State Liquor store and picked up a couple of bottles of locally produced wine to accompany the cheeses we had purchased earlier at Taylor Brothers Farm. At the tasting later that evening, Mill Hollow, a Gouda-like cheese, was the favorite, followed not too far behind by Cloverland Colby and Evelyn’s Jack Cheese.
Sated with wine, cheese, and a great dinner prepared by our brother-in-law Richard, we spent the night at their home. The next day we visited my nephew Shawn’s new home in New Boston. We missed niece Dawn who had traveled from Manchester to Meriden with her daughter, Mia, for a softball tournament. She planned to look for Taylor Brothers Farm after the game.
We drove back to Connecticut via I293 in New Hampshire, and took I495 and 290 to Worchester Massachusetts and 395 back to eastern Connecticut. There are interesting attractions along here, but we got a late start and drove straight through. Throughout the two-day trip, the roads were excellent, the traffic light to moderate, and services and sights abundant. Later in the season when the agricultural fairs and community festivals begin, this region will be even more enjoyable along the way.
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