Thursday, May 26, 2011

What I am leaving behind

This little spot is one of the comfortable, quiet spaces for reading and writing that we will be leaving behind. It overlooks a pool deck, a couple of acres of lawn and an equal amount of second growth forest. We carved this nook out of what was a screen porch until last year.  The windows (30 of them) went in last fall along with the exterior siding.  We plan to finish the inside walls, window trim, and new flooring when we return from visiting the rest of America.  Gloria and I have pounded every nail and cut every board in this home ourselves. In an age of specialists, it seems a little self indulgent to be do-it-yourself junkies, but there is something to be said for living in a creation of your own hands.  We will probably miss working on the place as much as we will miss our son Andrew who is looking after it for us.

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